Maybe a photo of us being friends or nothing

Maybe a photo of us being friends or nothing

About This Collaboration

In late 2018, Reinaldo Gil Zambrano, an artist and printmaker, and Luke Baumgarten, a writer, bonded over the weird similarities between the cultures they’d been raised in and their shared love of magic realism. Despite a distance of nearly 4,000 miles apart, both had been raised in communities where the supernatural was treated as commonplace, and even mundane.

As a member of Saranac Art Projects, Reinaldo asked Luke to create a collaborative submission to the gallery’s Text & Response show. Reinaldo responded to Luke’s short story “The Gospel of Thomas,” creating the original print Title. Luke responded to Reinaldo’s Title to write “The Lands Behind Their Eyes.”

Gil Zambrano’s works are on display at Saranac Art Projects through February 2019. The complete text of Baumgarten’s stories can be found on this site.


About Text & Response

Saranac Art Projects presents an exhibition of artworks inspired by and relating to the written word for the month of February. This show will utilize both of the gallery spaces and includes works in various media by the Saranac Art Projects members and invited artists.

OPENING RECEPTION Friday, February 1, 5-8 pm
February 1, 2019 – February 23, 2019